Album Art Fixer 2.0

Free Find album art on the Internet for albums and tracks
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AV Album Art Fixer is a utility for your albums. It scans your albums of your windows media library for any errors and empty or generic album art. AV Album Art Fixer is able to read your all albums from your windows media library and show all albums in its Album Box at the top left. You can select any album to scan for errors. At the right side it also has an inbuilt window media player to play your albums. The AV Album Art Fixer actually scan your album for whether it have album art or not, whether it have a generic album art or not, whether your album have album artist, and whether all tracks from the album are exist in the same folder. If AV Album Art Fixer found any of these in your albums then it give you the option fix them. It can also check your windows media library albums for incorrect album artist and incorrect album art size n properties. Checking of incorrect track numbering is also possible with this utility. So it can be used to correct all these types of problems of your albums. AV Album Art Fixer also give you option to search various websites online for album arts or otherwise you can select different location of your computer for album arts. It is a freeware tool with easy to use interface so anybody can use it easily to fix album art problems.

MG Senior editor
Manoj Goel
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Review summary


  • It is a Freeware
  • Provides option to search websites for album arts
  • Able to fix various album art errors
  • Provides inbuilt browser


  • Works only on windows media library albums

Comments (3)


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It doesn't work. I don't have time to go through each file at a time and tell it what to do.

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Saves my day (actually several days Smile)
Can the author contact me? I would like to make a donation but don't have Paypal.

The automatic process of adding the artwork stops when there is no artwork in WMP and it also stops with error "generic error in GDI+" when there is a problem reading the IDv3 tags. It would be nice if the program would skip to the next album automatically.

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Excellent! Does everything and more if you are having trouble syncing you Windows Media Player Album Art with Other Player & Devices

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